Air Force AFCS List 2024 | Speciality Codes

Below is a comprehensive list of all Air Force AFSC (Air Force Specialty Codes) roles in 2024

These tables are a simplified representation and may not cover all specific job codes or roles:

Table 1: Aviation and Flight Operations

AFSC CodeJob Title
1A0X1In-Flight Refueling
1A1X1Flight Engineer
1A2X1Aircraft Loadmaster
1A3X1Airborne Mission Systems

Table 2: Maintenance and Engineering

AFSC CodeJob Title
2A3X3Tactical Aircraft Maintenance
2A5X4Refuel/Bomber Aircraft Maintenance
2A6X6Aircraft Electrical Systems
2A7X3Aircraft Structural Maintenance

Table 3: Medical and Health Services

AFSC CodeJob Title
4N0X1Aerospace Medical Service
4N1X1Surgical Service
4H0X1Cardiopulmonary Laboratory

Table 4: Support and Logistics

AFSC CodeJob Title
3S2X1Education and Training
6F0X1Financial Management
2T1X1Ground Transportation

Table 5: Communications and Intelligence

AFSC CodeJob Title
1N0X1Operations Intelligence
1N1X1Geospatial Intelligence
3D0X2Cyber Systems Operations
1N4X1Fusion Analyst

This summary provides a high-level overview of the various roles within the Air Forces

Table 6: Special Operations and Security

AFSC CodeJob Title
1Z1X1Pararescue (PJ)
1Z2X1Combat Control
3P0X1Security Forces
1Z4X1Special Reconnaissance

Table 7: Command and Control

AFSC CodeJob Title
1C1X1Air Traffic Control
1C3X1Command and Control Operations
1C5X1Command and Control Battle Management Operations

Table 8: Cyber Warfare and Information Technology

AFSC CodeJob Title
1B4X1Cyber Warfare Operations
3D1X1Client Systems
3D1X2Cyber Transport Systems

Table 9: Engineering and Applied Sciences

AFSC CodeJob Title
2A7X1Aircraft Metals Technology
2E6X1Communications Cable and Antenna Systems

Table 10: Personnel and Administrative

AFSC CodeJob Title

Expanding further on the various Air Force AFSC roles:

Table 11: Space and Satellite Operations

AFSC CodeJob Title
1C6X1Space Systems Operations

Table 12: Environmental and Health Safety

AFSC CodeJob Title
4E0X1Public Health
3E4X1Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance

Table 13: Transportation and Vehicle Management

AFSC CodeJob Title
2T1X1Ground Transportation
2T2X1Air Transportation

Table 14: Communications and Media

AFSC CodeJob Title
3N0X6Public Affairs

Table 15: Legal and Religious Support

AFSC CodeJob Title

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